Item #11 Landscape Committee LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION COMMITTEE Appointed December 2003, pursuant to action taken September 16, 2003 Member Phone Number Appointed ose Beavers ... ' " 4Q7-57~-2121 W 12-02-200 . .;. ..:,~.".;y "-::'k '~:'.+' ,.t-~ ,., 'roserealtor1'@aol.co' Fentury 2J ~~al Estate 12747 S.:Magurre Road bcoee, FL 34761 ~ar~~J!!t!l~." 407-294-6033 W 12-02-20031 f es(.<9~si:Mall' kbehrens@generalgrowth.com t401 W. C6ionial Drivd uite 728 I ',. Ocoee, FL 347611 George Bori 407-877-7473 W 12-02-2003 Groundtek groundtek@cfl.rr.com 862 Maguire Road Ocoee, FL 347610 ilio resp-onse back) Dayl~ BUIg~ss 407-877-6900 \\i FaN~.$tl~r ""~' > 12-02-20 c '......... " ,!",';~ :'i [ 1 02~lw!; 6~i;iuw Drive Dcoee FL 3476 Ted DeWitt 407-656-1799 W 12-02-2003 De Witt Excavating, Inc. 14463 W. Colonial Drive Winter Garden, FL 34787 ilio resp-onse back) Uo~~~~l~r;"',"'i '., _:-.~ ,,' ft(; "1~}:i~,t~~~. 407"'5,;18-.9829 H ,.'~ ~1"2-"02:,2QO " Q543';mt~€1lilrl)tive' J......: ~t '. ,!:,,: c I bcoee FL 34761 I I Phil Gregory 407-296-1771 W 12-02-2003 I Health Central Hospital philg@health-central.org 10000 W. Colonial Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 (Phone num:iJei."alli[e:'mah not valid any'long~) Robert Holland 107 905 3100 ext1 00 1 Vi 12 02 2003 City of Ocoee I I Bill Korzeniowski 107 877 2677 W 12 02 2003 Dunkin Donuts billkorz1@aol.com 11201 \1./. Colonial Drive Ocoee, FL 31761 ~- (Moved) - - -- - - - -- Kurt Weeks (M~orie O'Grady, New President) 12-29-2003 HOA President Veronica Place 707 Veronica Circle ~- - ----- Ocoee, FL 34761 (Do not have contact information for her) Please notify meeting dates to Janet Shira, ,pat Comeli or Jeanne Washington so someone can be present on behalf of the "Powr Team" Landscape & Irrigation Committeelbkb/January 23, 2004