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May 19, 2015, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Grogan. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson, and Commissioner Keller.
Mayor Vandergrift announced the POWR Electric Car with newly installed graphics was on
display for viewing in the City Hall parking lot.
Proclamation — Older Americans Month — May 2015
Mayor Vandergrift read his proclamation and proclaimed May as Older Americans Month.
Wendell Singrey, President of the West Orange Senior Association, along with other members
of the West Orange Seniors were present to accept the proclamation. Mr. Singrey shared that the
West Orange Seniors has about 350 members that are involved in daily activities at the Ison
Center. He further announced that the West Orange Seniors will be hosting their monthly
luncheon this Thursday, May 21 and the Commission is welcome to attend.
Presentation of Officer of the 1st Quarter to Detective Leo Gomez
CACOPD Vice Chair Laney gave a brief summary of events that led to the decision and
awarding of Officer of the 1 St Quarter to Detective Leo Gomez. Police Chief Brown announced
that along with the certificate Detective Leo Gomez will have a ribbon to display on his uniform
for the next thirty days.
Fiscal Year 2014 Audit Presentation
Elden McDirmit, CPA with McDirmit Davis and Company, LLC, presented the Fiscal Year
2014 audit results. He spoke briefly on the following:
• New Auditor Report
• General Fund Balance
• Water & Wastewater Fund
• General Employee and Police/Fire Pension Plan
• Governmental Revenues and Expenditures
• Community Redevelopment Agency Fund Revenues and Expenses
Michelle Bergstein, BeatCreative Marketing, briefly spoke about the Spring Special Event &
Wedding Show that they hosted, May 15 with the City of Ocoee. Over 251 RSVP's were
received for this free event. The event allowed them to display and introduce exhibitors and
event professionals to the community. A Bridal Fashion Show sponsored by local boutiques was
also hosted at the Withers - Maguire House -Lawn. A recap video of the event was played for the
Regular City Commission
May 19, 2015
City Manager Frank announced the following:
1) Under Public Hearing, Item #14 Arbours at Crown Point PUD — Preliminary/Final, Site
Plan - the applicant has requested a continuance of this hearing to the June 2nd
Commission Meeting.
2) TEEN Police Academy — July 27, 2015, through July 31, 2015, 10:00a.m - 1:00p.m.
Location: High Point Church located at 476 Ocoee Commerce Parkway. This program is
FREE and covers numerous law enforcement topics and it is open to teenagers from
thirteen to eighteen years of age with no felony convictions.
3) S.A.F.E. Class — June 25, 2015, 6:00p.m. - 9:00p.m. This is a free, one time, three hour
presentation on self - defense and safety awareness for women. The class is taught by
Ocoee Police Officers using the NSDI's S.A.F.E. curriculum. Topics covered include:
self - defense, crime prevention and domestic violence. If interested, please contact Officer
Patera Scott-Marsh at 407 -554 -7204 or at Patera. Scott@ocoee.org
4) Coffee with a Cop — Wednesday, June 17, 2015, from 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. The
community is invited to join members of the Ocoee Police Department at the House
Blend Cafe. Coffee with a Cop provides a unique opportunity for community members to
ask questions and learn more about the department's work in Ocoee's neighborhoods. If
you have any questions, please contact Sergeant Mireya Iannuzzi at (407) 554 -7197 or
miannuzzi @ocoee.org
Commissioner Keller — 1) announced the Ocoee Family Aquatic Facility is now open for the
2015 season. Information on the pool hours and admission costs can be found on the city's
webpage www.ocoee.org or by calling the Parks and Recreation Department at 407 - 905 - 3180.2)
announced City residents interested in registering for the Parks and Recreation Department's
popular swimming lesson program can do so beginning Saturday, May 9th at 10:00 am., at the
Jim Beech Recreation Center, non - resident registration will begin May 16th. For more
information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 407 - 905 -3180.
Commissioner Wilsen — None
Commissioner Grogan — announced the Parks and Recreation Department has begun accepting
registration for its Summer Camp Program. Registration is now open for residents and non-
residents, ages 5 to 12 .years. The Summer Camp will run from June 8th to August 21st. For
more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 407 - 905 -3180.
Mayor Vandergrift — 1) announced the Autism & Related Disabilities Gym Program, Inc. and
the Jim Beech Recreation Center proudly present its 10' Annual Golfing Fore Autism Charity
Tournament on Saturday, October 17, 2015, at Orange Lake Resort Reserve Golf Course. For
more information contact Jo -Anne Houwers. 2) announced that he received a notice that Winn
Dixie on Clarke Road will be closing on June 20. He has heard rumors that leasing agreement
issues with the Management Company is the reason for their closing. The Mayor asked that staff
look into seeing if there is anything they can do to prevent this from happening. 3) announced
the Memorial Day Ceremony will be in the Ocoee Lakeshore Center on May 22 at 11:00 a.m.
Regular City Commission
May 19, 2015
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve the
Consent Agenda Items #1 through #12. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held May 5, 2015. (City
Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
2. Reappointments to the Board of Adjustment. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Ordinance No. 516 on September 15, 1970, created the Board of Adjustment to hear and decide appeals for
administrative review, to hear and recommend to the City Commission variances to zoning ordinances. This
Board consists of five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members. There are no applications currently
on file.
The three -year terms of Robert Cadle, Bob Colburn, and Edward Wrobel ends May 2015. All members have
indicated their willingness to serve another term, if reappointed.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
3. Approval of Replacement HVAC Unit for Fire Station No. 26. (Public Works Director
The Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system at Fire Station No. 26 on Clarke Road has
failed. Public Works had intended to request the replacement of this 18 year old HVAC unit in the upcoming
budget, however the cooling coils have failed in the existing multi -unit system. Repair parts would cost several
thousands of dollars without the guarantee of providing a stable system, making a complete system replacement
the more cost effective option. Public Works solicited pricing for a single 10 ton unit to replace the existing
combination unit made up of different tonnages. Apple Air Conditioning & Heating was the only vendor to
provide pricing on the replacement. Apple proposes to furnish and install a new single 10 ton unit at a cost of
$24,472.00. This pricing is in line with industry standards and recent HVAC replacements throughout the City.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
4. Approval of State Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement, Final,
Phase II. (Public Works Director Krug)
The FDOT has worked with local maintaining agencies to update the State's Traffic Signal Maintenance and
Compensation Agreement. The Commission approved interim phase updates at the July 15, 2014 (Phase I -A)
and October 21, 2014 (Phase I -B) meetings. The Phase II agreement update clarifies and reduces the City's
liability for maintaining traffic signal systems on State roads by providing the City with structural inspections, a
minimum preventive maintenance schedule, and financial relief in the event of damages from vehicles or
catastrophic weather events. The City's current contracted proactive maintenance program exceeds the
minimum State standards and ensures proper operation of all signals throughout Ocoee. This updated Phase II
agreement is considered the finalized agreement to be in effect beginning with the FDOT 2015 /16 fiscal year.
Public Works recommends approving the new State Phase II Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation
Agreement with the FDOT as it clarifies and further reduces City liability. The City Attorney has reviewed and
approves the agreement.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Regular City Commission
May 19, 2015
5. Approval of MetroPlan Orlando Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Committee Appointments. (Public Works Director Krug)
The City participates on various technical and advisory committees as a member of the regional transportation
planning organization, MetroPlan Orlando (MPO). The organization provides the forum for local elected
officials, their staff, and industry experts to work together to improve transportation options for Central Florida.
The MPO Board recently redefined the Management and Operations (M &O) advisory committee into the
Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) committee. The City is requested to make one
appointment to serve as a voting member on the TSMO, along with one alternate. Public Works Director,
Stephen Krug, has represented Ocoee on the former M &O committee and currently represents the City on the
Technical Advisory Committee (formerly known as the Transportation Technical Committee). The City
Manager recommends the City Commission appoint Mr. Krug as the City's representative to the TSMO, with
City Planner, Michael Rumer, the alternate representative.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
6. Approval to Purchase a New Utility Cart for Park Maintenance Operations. (Parks and
Recreation Director Hayes)
The Parks and Recreation Department is seeking approval to purchase a new utility cart for the park
maintenance operations. The department had originally identified and included funds totaling $28,000 in the
2014 -15 operating budget for the purchase of a field sprayer for use in the park maintenance operations and
would like to use these same funds to purchase the utility cart. The department has identified a utility cart for
replacement and anticipated including it in the 2015 -16 budget, and would therefore like to purchase the cart in
this year's budget, using the remaining funds ($20,690.60) from the field sprayer, and include the purchase of
the field sprayer in the 2015 -16. The cost of the utility cart is $20,634.01, as per State Contract No. 760- 000 -10-
1 Lawn Equipment.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
7. Consumer Court Lift Station #62 Construction Project — Pre- purchase of Station's
Pump and Control Panel.(Utilities Director Smith)
Due to construction conflicts, the second phase of the State Road 50 Widening project requires the relocation of
portions of the City's sanitary sewer collection system. The widening project provides the City with the
opportunity to address operational issues and increases system capacity by first allowing much of the flow to be
redirected west, this reduces flows to the remaining system. At the terminus of the new system is the proposed
Consumer Court lift station (behind Dunkin' Donuts). Initially, the station will pump into the remaining S.R.
50 gravity system; however, upon completion of the proposed downtown sewer /western transmission main
system, it will be diverted accordingly. Bids were solicited for the Consumer Court Lift Station #62
Construction Project on May 10, 2015, but due to significant lead time for the pumps and control panel, staff is
requesting to directly purchase them from Xylem Inc., Flygt. City Commission approved Flygt, Xylem Inc., as
a sole source vendor of the pumps and panels on May 1, 2012.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
8. Approval of Utility Agreement for Ocoee Pines Water and Wastewater Capacity.
(Utilities Director Smith)_ The proposed JTD Land at Ocoee Pines LLC. (herein referred to as Ocoee Pines) residential development is
generally located northwest of Clarcona Ocoee Road and southeast of the Forest Lake Golf Club. The
development provides for 278 lots, 170 of those lots remain outside of the city's potable and wastewater service
area. Presently, the development requires two utilities agencies; parcels in the northern portion require Orange
County Utilities services. Duplicate facilities cause and increase in costs and maintenance. To mitigate the
issues, the City, Orange County and Ocoee Pines have agreed to a wholesale- retail relationship; Ocoee will
provide retail potable and wastewater services, and Orange County will provide the wholesale capacity. This
eliminates the need for multiple lift stations, and allows for one centralized lift station. Ocoee Pines is within the
City's reclaimed water service area and is not subject to capacity charges. As this is so, a minor modification to
the City's North Service Area Reclaimed Water Agreement will be required.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Regular City Commission
May 19, 2015
9. Approval of Resolution No. 2015 -007 for the 4 -Year Lease - Purchase Agreement with
Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB &T) for Various Heavy Equipment included
in the FY 14/15 Budget. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The budget for Fiscal Year 14/15, with previously approved adjustments, includes the four (4) year lease -
purchase of (2) Garbage Trucks, (1) Wildland Fire Apparatus, (1) Ambulance, (1) Fire Pumper, and (30)
Airpacks. A total of $237,483.50 is budgeted for payments.
The Finance Department obtained interest rate quotes from BB &T (1.34 %), BMO Harris Bank (1.48 %), and
Suntrust Bank (1.87 %). Staff recommends to adopt Resolution No. 2015 -007 approving financing terms with
Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB &T), and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute the
Lease - Purchase Agreement Schedule No. 9909001665 -00002 and related documents for the amount of
$1,297,042.00 at an interest rate of 1.34% for four (4) years, with payments of $83,114.32 per quarter, to close
before June 7, 2015.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
10. Award of RFQ #1502 Continuing Planning & Landscape Architectural Services.
(Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The City's continuing contracts for planning and landscape architectural services have expired. In compliance
with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), Florida Statutes Section 287.055 and Chapter 21
of the City's Code of Ordinances, the City solicited statements of qualifications from firms that are interested in
providing planning and landscape architectural services for City projects.
The RFQ was advertised on March 22, 2015, and was publicly opened on April 21, 2015. There were three (3)
responses submitted. The Finance Department and CRA Administrator reviewed the proposals and all were
considered responsive. The three (3) responses were evaluated by the RFQ Evaluation Committee appointed by
the City Manager. The public RFQ Evaluation Committee meeting was held on May 12, 2015, with the
Evaluation Committee evaluating and short- listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. The evaluation
committee short- listed the following firms in ranked order, and recommends contracting with all three (3)
ranked firms for the continuing contract. The Evaluation Committee further recommends the top - ranked firm,
GAI Consultants, Inc. /Community Solutions Group is awarded the first task order under the continuing
contract, the Downtown Ocoee Master Plan, per the recommendation from Russ Wagner, CRA Administrator.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
11. Approval for Permission to Enter Property Agreement with the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection for Sampling a Monitoring,Well. (City Engineer Wheeler)
The Right Way Food & Gas Store is located at 1399 N. Lakewood Avenue. This commercial business is owned
by Panita Foods, Inc. The convenience store was formerly a Circle K Store, owned by the Conoco Phillips
Company ( #7046). The fuel storage tanks were discovered to be leaking in 1998 and were replaced shortly
there afterwards. Fuel dispensing facilities are permitted through Orange County Environmental Protection
Department and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). The replacement of the tanks,
the soil remediation, and the on -going monitoring are all through FDEP.
The leak and subsequent soil remediation were determined to be on a small scale and kept on site. However the
monitoring wells are placed both on -site and in an outer perimeter to monitor the ground water. There were a
number of monitoring wells in the property across the street from the convenience store that became the
Lakewood Manor subdivision. These wells were removed prior to the construction of the development. In
2012, FDEP's sub consultant contacted the City about placing a monitoring well within the road right -of -way
Johnson Manor Street, between the curb and sidewalk. Johnson Manor Street is a short road stubbed to the
south in the Lakewood Manor subdivision. The installation of that well was allowed by staff under the Right -
of -Way Utilization permitting process. Another monitoring well was installed on the Mask property to the
south of Lakewood Manor.
The Permission to Enter Property Agreement is a requirement of FDEP. FDEP realizes that the well is located
in property that is dedicated to the benefit of the public and is therefore accessible as a public road.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Regular City Commission
May 19,201 5
12. Approval of Resolution Relating to the Mayor's Signature on City Commission
Approved Documents. (City Attorney Cookson)
In 1996 Florida Legislature passed and the Governor signed the Electronic Signature Act to facilitate economic
development and efficient delivery of government services by means of reliable electronic messages. The Act
also provides that an electronic signature may be used and has the same force and effect as a handwritten
signature. In order to expedite the processing of transactional documents approved by the City Commission, it
would be in the best interest of the City of Ocoee to allow the Mayor's signature to be affixed through the use of
an electronic signature or facsimile signature stamp.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
13. First Reading of Ordinance for Arden Park Community Development District. (Second
Reading and Public Hearing scheduled Jayne 2, 2015, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon
t4eafre,). (City A
,_ IlQrjW Cookson).
Community development districts are local units of special - purpose government created for the purpose of
delivering urban community development services within certain, established areas. Chapter 190, Florida
Statutes, sets forth the exclusive and uniform method for establishing a community development district in
Florida. Generally speaking, if a property contains less than 1000 acres and is located entirely within a
municipality, a Petitioner can file a petition for establishment of a community development district with the
City's governing body.
Standard Pacific of Florida, a Florida general partnership, as Petitioner, intends to establish within the City of
Ocoee ( "City") the Arden Park Community Development District ( "District "). Petitioner received consent from
the owner of one - hundred percent (100 %) of the property to be included in the District and, on April 3, 2015,
filed a petition with the City asking that the City Commission adopt an ordinance establishing the District.
The law requires the City to establish the District in a public hearing and the Petitioner must advertise the public
hearing four weeks in advance. City and Petitioner are complying with all public notice requirements.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced the
second reading and public hearing will be held on June 2, 2015, Regular Commission Meeting at
7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter.
Jere Earlywine, Representative of Standard Pacific of Florida, said he is available to answer any
questions and will be present for the 2 nd Reading on June 2 nd
14. Arbours at Crown Point PUD — Preliminary /Final Site Plan (Advertised in the West Orange
Times on Thursday, M(1Y 7 2015). (City Planner Rumer �.
The Arbours at Crown Point Preliminary/Final Site Plan is a multi - family development that proposes a total of
240 one, two, and three bedroom apartments. A community building, as well as a pool, BBQ area, vehicle wash
area and exercise trail are being provided. The project is dedicating 25 feet on the north end to connect the West
Orange Trail to Ocoee - Apopka Road. The development will provide direct connection to the trail as an
additional amenity.
Mayor Vandergrift advised that the developer requested a continuance of this hearing to the
June 2nd Commission Meeting.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the public hearing. There was no one present to speak.
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to continue the
Public Hearing for the Arbours at Crown Point PUD — Preliminary /Final Site Plan
to a date certain of June 2. 2015, at the request of the developer. Motion carried 4=
0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Regular City Commission
May 19, 2015
15. Code Enforcement Reduction of Fine/Lien for property owner Donna Kennington
regarding 1515 Jemima Ave. (Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines)
This property was cited on August 25, 2014, by Officer Edward Loeffler for extremely tall overgrown grass and
weeds, broken window glass, a dilapidated perimeter fence and gate, and no address numbers displayed. On
October 28, 2014, the Code Enforcement Board issued an order to comply by November 7, 2014, or be fined
$100.00 per day per violation. On November 26, 2014, the Code Enforcement Board imposed fine and lien for
non - compliance. The property was found in compliance on January 8, 2015, and the property is currently being
A representative with power of attorney for Donna Kennington, the owner, appeared ' before the Code
Enforcement Board on April 28, 2015, and requested the fine /lien amount of $18,300.00 be reduced to facilitate
a foreclosure short-sale prior to a pending court scheduled public sale on June 2, 2015. The Code Enforcement
Board is recommending the fine /lien be reduced to $1,000.00. This amount is to include the city's cost of
$675.06. The discussion by the board to reduce the amount was based on testimony and answers from the
owner's representative and city staff.
Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines gave a brief history of the case located at 1515
Jemima Avenue and advised that the property was found in compliance on January 8, 2015, and
the property is currently being maintained.
A representative with power of attorney for Donna Kennington, the owner, appeared before the
Code Enforcement Board on April 28, 2015, and requested the fine /lien amount of $18,300.00 be
reduced to facilitate a foreclosure short-sale prior to a pending court scheduled public sale on
June 2, 2015.
Kimberly Frank, representative for Donna Kennington, advised that they have been working on
a short sale of this home for some time and the home has been in compliance ever since they
took it over. She shared that she will need the approval of the board for the reduction in order for
her to get her foreclosure auction postponed. They have a cash buyer willing to pay the reduced
fine of $1000. The owner, Ms. Kennington, is an elderly woman who is unable to maintain her
home. Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines briefly commented that the Code
Enforcement Board is recommending the fine/lien be reduced to $1,000.00. This amount is to
include the city's cost of $675.06.
Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to reduce the
fine /lien to $1,000 to be paid within 90 days or the fine reverts back to the original
amount. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Regular City Commission
May 19, 2015
16. Code Enforcement Reduction of Two Fines /Liens for US National Assn Trustee C/O
Kahane and Assoc. PA. Re: 492 Wurst Rd. (Assistant Director of Support Services
Gaines) 409MA&I
The property located at 492 Wurst Rd. has two separate fines /liens from separate code enforcement actions; they
are being presented as a single agenda item so the property owner can be provided a single solution.
Case 14 -060:
The property was cited on June 24, 2014, by Officer Robert Siegrist for trash/debris. On July 22, 2014, the Code
Enforcement Board issued an order to comply by August 8, 2014, or be fined $100.00 per day. On August 26,
2014, the Code Enforcement Board imposed the accruing fine and lien for non - compliance of 115 -3. On April 10,
2015, the property was documented as in compliance, thus stopping the accruing fine with a total due of
$24,400.00. The new property owner is US National Assn. Trustee C/O Kahane & Assoc. PA.
Case 15 -001:
The property was cited on December 9, 2014, by Officer Robert Siegrist for people living in house without an
active electric service and using a generator for power. On January 27, 2015, the Code Enforcement Board issued
an order to comply by February 6, 2015, or be fined $100.00 per day per violation, if not in compliance with the
Board's orders. On February 25, 2015, the Code Enforcement Board imposed the accruing fine and lien for non-
compliance. The property was found to be in compliance on March 16, 2015, stopping the accruing fine with a
total due of $5,200.00. The new property owner, US National Assn. Trustee C/O Kahane & Assoc. PA., maintains
the property in compliance.
A representative of US National Assn. Trustee C/O Kahane & Assoc. PA., the new property owner, appeared
before the Code Enforcement Board on April 28, 2015, and requested a reduction of the fine /lien for Case No. 14-
060 in the amount of $1,000.00 (including City costs of $816.32), and for Case No.15 -001 in the amount of
$1,000.00 (including City costs of $861.66). The Code Enforcement Board recommends the fine /lien be reduced
to $1,000.00 for Case No. 14 -060 and $1,000.00 for Case No. 15 -001, which is the cost to the City and a penalty
for the negative blighted impact on the neighborhood and the city. The decision by the Board to reduce the
amount was based on testimony and answers from the representative of Florida Dreams Realty Group Inc. and City
Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines gave a brief history of the cases located at 492
Wurst Road. The property has two separate fines/liens from separate code enforcement actions;
they are being presented as a single agenda item so the property owner can be provided a single
solution. Case 14 -060: On April 10, 2015, the property was documented as in compliance, thus
stopping the accruing fine with a total due of $24,400.00. Case 15 -001: The property was found
to be in compliance on March 16, 2015, stopping the accruing fine with a total due of $5,200.00.
The new property owner, US National Assn. Trustee C/O Kahane & Assoc. PA., maintains the
property in compliance.
A representative of US National Assn. Trustee C/O Kahane & Assoc. PA., the new property
owner, appeared before the Code Enforcement Board on April 28, 2015, and requested a
reduction of the fine /lien for Case No. 14 -060 in the amount of $1,000.00 (including City costs
of $816.32), and for Case No.15 -001 in the amount of $1,000.00 (including City costs of
$861.66). The Code Enforcement Board recommends the fine /lien be reduced to $1,000.00 for
Case No. 14 -060 and $1,000.00 for Case No. 15 -001.
Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to reduce the
fine /lien to $1,000 per case (total of $2,000) to be paid within 60 days or the fine
reverts back to the original amount.
Claudia Montes, leasing agent for the property, said that they agree with the reduced fine
amount and will be able to get a. check approved for next week so they can pay off the lien.
After discussion:
Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Regular City Commission
May 19, 2015
17. Discussion of an Unsolicited Offer from Charter Schools Development Group, LLC to
purchase 9.5 Acres of City -owned Property at the Intersection of AD Mims Road and
Clarke Road for $1.6 Million. (Support Services Director Butler) Jima
The City acquired 12 acres of land (Parcel No. 09- 22 -28- 0000- 00 -05) from the Silvestri Investment Group of
Florida, Inc. on December 29, 2006, at a cost of $3.5 million for the purpose of constructing a new Police
Department headquarters building. The City subsequently purchased and remodeled the former State Farm
claims office in the southern part of the city for this use; the former Silvestri property remains undeveloped.
The subject property is bordered on the south by railroad right of way, which is adjacent to AD Mims Road, to
the north and east by the Prairie Lake Reserve Subdivision, and on the west by Clarke Road. A portion of the
eastern boundary is property dedicated to the public use and owned by the City. The outstanding amount of the
bond used to finance the purchase is approximately $2.6 million.
Charter Schools Development Corp. has submitted an unsolicited offer to purchase approximately 9.5 acres of
the property for $1.6 million. This is the second unsolicited offer the city has received to purchase this property
for a charter school. The original offer from Red Apple Development, Inc. was withdrawn when the company
discovered it would be unable to meet construction deadlines due to the time required to conduct habitat
investigations mandated by an environmental protection agency.
Support Services Director Butler briefly explained that Charter Schools Development Corp.
has submitted an unsolicited offer to purchase approximately 9.5 acres of the property for $1.6
million. They are proposing a driveway exit out onto Clarke Road and would also have the City
retain the 2.5 acre on the southwest corner of the property. This is the second unsolicited offer
the city has received to purchase this property for a charter school. That original offer was
withdrawn when the company discovered it would be unable to meet construction deadlines due
to the time required to conduct habitat investigations mandated by an environmental protection
The City originally acquired the 12 acres of land at a cost of $3.5 million for the purpose of
constructing a new Police Department headquarters building. The outstanding amount of the
bond used to finance the purchase is approximately $2.6 million.
Commissioner Keller shared his concerns regarding the purchase price being offered and felt
the City should wait for a better offer, particularly since this proposed development would not
generate any income on the tax roll for the City. The Commissioner further explained that at the
Town Hall meeting he called regarding the Charter School location there was approximately a
60/40 split against having the school. Some of the issues discussed at the Town Hall meeting
were having four elementary schools within a mile of each other; and concerns with the location
of the driveway of the school due to many speeders and accidents that already occur in that area.
Positive points addressed at the meeting were that the school would be closed on the weekends
thus creating a quiet neighbor scenario.
Charles "Chip" Cordes with Charter School Development Group said they submitted a Letter
of Interest to purchase the property 8 -9 months ago from Red Apple Development which is a
developer of one of their Charter School clients. The problem they experienced during that time
is that they had to get a sand skink test which could only be done in April or May of every year
and that did not allow enough time to get the school built. Mr. Cordes stated that during their
last encounter with the City in regards to a Charter School the discussion was very positive to
move forward with the project so he was not prepared for tonight's negative feedback. He briefly
shared some site plan drawing of the proposed site as well as aerial drawings of some other
9 Page
Regular City Commission
May 19, 2015
Charter Schools they developed in Florida. It was stated that a left hand turn lane would be
constructed in the median that is on Clarke Road, at their expense, so that cars would not cause
any delay in the traffic. Commissioner Keller commented that he is not opposed to the school,
but he is opposed to the price being offered. Commissioner Keller reiterated the concerns
voiced at the meeting regarding traffic issues with the driveway location and his concerns with
the pricing.
Commissioner Grogan commented that he would not want to entertain any offers until an
appraisal is done on the property. He further inquired what research was done to pick this
particular location when there are many other schools already in this area. Mr. Cordes explained
the process they conduct to determine where there is a need for education. Commissioner
Grogan voiced his concerns with not being in favor of putting a venue there that would not bring
revenue to the City as well as the offer that is being made without an appraisal. Commissioner
Wilsen inquired if an appraisal was done when Red Apple Development made an offer. Support
Services Director Butler explained that did not make it that far in the process because of some
tight deadlines. He further shared that tonight they are not looking for a decision to be made but
for direction from the board because there is a process they will need to follow before this can be
finalized. Commissioner Wilsen commented that the property is currently off the tax roll
because it is owned by the City so she personally does not feel that is an issue. The following
topics were discussed:
• Number of schools under Charter School Development Group and their grading
• Charter School attended by any child in the County; Ocoee residents not necessarily
guaranteed a spot.
• School to limit what can be placed in surrounding parcels such as restaurants that sell
• Number of vehicles anticipated to be coming/going during school hours
Mayor Vandergrift shared that he would like to continue negotiating and have something that
would benefit all of the community. Commissioner Wilsen said she would request that an
appraisal be done. Mr. Cordes advised that they would volunteer to pay. for the appraisal.
Further discussion ensued specifically with the concern of traffic. Todd Lucas with Charter
School Group said if there is land available they would be more than happy to put in a
deceleration lane to address some of the traffic issues.
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to direct City
staff to obtain an appraisal of the property, which includes the portion that will be
retained by the City, at the developer's expense.
Support Services Director Butler briefly shared with the Commission what questions they
should keep in mind to be sure they make a good investment decision.
After further discussion motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Regular City Commission
May 19, 2015
Commissioner Grogan — None
Commissioner Wilsen — inquired what the plans are for Memorial Day on police coverage by
and throughout the summer to avoid the problems they had last year. Police Chief Brown
advised that they have planned to be on patrol in boats and vehicles beginning Memorial Day
and every weekend and holiday throughout the summer. She also advised that Parks and
Recreation may want to post signs when pavilions are rented so that a party doesn't get there
early and try to stake claim.
Commissioner Keller —said that he missed the last HRDB Meeting, but heard that the HRDB
wants to give $700 to Ocoee High School Marching Band for a trip. The school already came to
the Commission and received $2500 for the bus rental; there is no process that should allow them
to go to HRDB for additional funding. Support Services Manager Butler discussed the some of
the expenditures of this board and the current policy regarding money given to advisory boards.
Commissioner Keller noted he believes this is out of the realm of the board's authority. There
was discussion among the City Manager and Commission regarding the policy that was set
several years ago to allow the boards to pay for shirts, education, events, etc. and not intended to
give grants to other entities.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commission Wilsen, made a motion to clarify
that Advisory Boards cannot spend their budgeted funds on anything that is not
consistent with the purpose of the board, specifically they cannot give it away as
a grant to another entity. Motion carried 3 -0 with Mayor Vandergrift opposing and
Commissioner Johnson absent.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Eikenberry, City Clerk
City of Ocoee
S. Scott Vandergrift, Maydr
11 �Pagc