HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-03-15 MINUTES November 3, 2015 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER 7:15 PM Mayor Grogan called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Reverend Scott Fleming gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Layla Bear. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Mayor Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Johnson, Commissioner Keller. B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 7:16 PM Proclamation November 2015—Ready by Mayor Grogan ➢ Adoption Month — Accepted by the Baer Family; Ken, Kim and their three children; Lyla,Layne and Joshua,read by Mayor Grogan. C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC 7:20 PM 7:20 PM Aleida Verdasco, 1711 Sparkling Water Circle, briefly shared her concerns regarding the City's method of communication to residents on topics or events going on in the City and the lack of use of social media by the City. It was discussed that the City's website and "News to You" newsletter provides information on upcoming events including contact information for the Commissioners. Further discussion ensued regarding social media not being accurate since it allows for anyone to comment or vent, information on events or meetings possibly being placed in the water bills, and Florida law requiring that public notices be published in a newspaper. 7:35 PM Detective Michelle Grogan and Sgt. Ianuzzi gave an update and presented a slideshow of the Fundraiser Event for Officer Trista Blake that was held at Frank's Place in which they were able to raise $3027. It was also announced that an article was published in the West Orange Times Edition sharing the story of Trista Blake's journey. Donations can still be made on Trista's GOFUNDME page as well as tee shirts can be purchased at Frank's Place, Founder's Day, or with Sgt. Ianuzzi at the Police Department. 7:42 PM Nali Wallace, 1925 Crown Point Parkway, announced that he is with the Minority Leadership Scholars (MLS) of Ocoee High School and they want to do a community health fair and bring the community together. He asked for help getting the word out by placing information about the health fair in the City's water bill, and help getting medical professionals to participate in this event. Mayor Grogan advised if they make the flyers one page it can be placed in the water bill. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if the event could be advertised on the Ocoee T.V. She further shared that the Spring Fling event is coming up in March before their event and they are more than welcome to set up a booth to promote the health fair. D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW 7:47 PM (None) E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS 7:46 PM Commissioner Keller- announced Community Meeting on November 11 th at Ison Center. Commissioner Johnson- gave summary of Founder's Day events including Golf Tournament, and Poker Run. Founder's Day is Friday,November 13th and Saturday,November 14th Commissioner Wilsen- announced Veteran's Day Program at Lakeshore Center on November 11th, guest speaker Bob Hartley, local resident. • Regular City Commission November 3,2015 F. CONSENT AGENDA 7:51 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Adopt the Consent Agenda as presented by staff. Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried unanimously. 1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held October 20, 2015. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. 2. Approval of a Five-Year Agreement between the City of Ocoee Fire Department and Target Solutions. (Fire Chief Miller) Target Solutions is an online resource that helps provide safe and effective firefighter training. The Target Solutions program will allow the Ocoee Fire Department the ability to design monthly training programs and properly capture and track training data. Target Solutions offers a large amount of nationally recognized training videos and lesson plans. Target Solutions' resources will help meet the goals of the Ocoee Fire Department,which consists of at least 240 hours of fire-related training per calendar year per department SOP. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. 3. Approval of the Consent to the Sale or Transfer of the Operating Entity—Rural/Metro Corporation of Florida, d/b/a Rural/Metro Ambulance. (Fire Chief Miller) On September 1, 2012, the City of Ocoee and Rural/Metro Corporation of Florida, d/b/a Rural/Metro Ambulance, entered into an agreement for emergency ambulance transportation services. On July 30, 2015, Rural/Metro Corporation and American Medical Response (AMR) announced that AMR HoldCo., Inc., Ranch Merger Sub, Inc., and WP Rocket Holdings, Inc., entered into a merger agreement. As a result, Rural/Metro Corporation will become an indirect,wholly-owned subsidiary of Envision Healthcare Holdings, Inc., and an affiliate of AMR. While this change will not result in a change of ownership for Rural/Metro Corporation of Florida, there is a change of ownership of the parent company. For this reason and in an abundance of caution, Rural/Metro Corporation has requested that the City of Ocoee consent to this transfer pursuant to Section 29 of the Agreement.All other terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. 4. Approval to Purchase New Truck Tires and Sole Source Truck Tire Recapping. (Public Works Director Krug) 7:51 PM The Fleet Division budget includes annual replacement of truck tires. The City has researched pricing and found Boulevard Tire Center provides the lowest pricing available through the Florida Sheriffs Association Cooperative Bid for Tires& Related Services. The majority of the truck tires replaced during the year are for the Sanitation Division's fleet. When available, the City previously piggybacked off existing municipal contracts for recapped tires. The City has again contacted the local recapped tire distributors/manufacturers, and they do not have existing contracts the City can utilize. Public Works recommends awarding a purchase order to Boulevard Tire Center, as in ty g p previous fiscal years, based on pricing from the Florida Sheriffs Association Cooperative Bid for Tires & Related Services for new truck tires. Public Works also recommends awarding a sole source purchase order to Boulevard Tire Center for recapped truck tires. Commissioner Wilsen clarified that when we piggyback on the state contracts do we generally get the best price. Public Works Director Krug said that is generally the case because they set their prices based on larger number of jobs throughout the state. He added that they do check for local vendors as well to make sure they can't offer a better service and/or price. We use local vendors as often as possible. 2 ' Page Regular City Commission November 3,2015 Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. 5. Approval to Dispose of Surplus Sanitation Trucks. (Public Works Director Krug) The Commission declared Sanitation trucks 742, 744 & 749 surplus at the September 1, 2015 meeting per Florida Statute 274, in order to properly dispose of them. George Gideon Auctioneers, Inc., (Gideon) has advertised the trucks through on-line auctions with minimum pricing reserves set on all three trucks totaling $94,000.00. The reserve pricing was estimated in the 2014/2015 budget based on the anticipated future value of the trucks at time of disposal.The bids received to date on the closed auctions total$68,000.00.The reduced bid pricing is based on the trucks now being ten(10)years old with bodies that require significant repair work to be utilized again in service. In previous years, Public Works successfully sought out potential vendors outside of our State network. Following several site inspections this year from truck vending firms, Public Works was informed the market now holds a low interest in the pre-emission trucks we are offering.Due to the low demand for the two(2)2006 side-arm load trucks and one (1) 2006 recycling truck, Public Works recommends Commission approval for Gideon to accept offers below the current reserves that are in line with the used truck market and per staff concurrence.The anticipated revenue will be realized in the current fiscal year. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. 6. Approval of Holiday Decorations City Wide with Clark Sales Display, Inc. (Public Works Director Krug) The City of Ocoee has maintained holiday decorations in recent years that incorporate festive banners and lighted decorations. The City-owned banners are installed on light poles in locations without electrical connections with leased lighted decorations mounted on the following roads: • Clarke Road, SR 50 to north of A.D.Mims Road • Bluford Avenue, SR 50 to Silver Star Road • Maguire Road,Moore Road to SR 50 • Silver Star Road,Ocoee-Apopka Road to Clarke Road • Wurst Road,Little Spring Hill Drive to Phyllis Street The City has utilized the services of Clark Sales Display,Inc., (CSDI) in previous years as they have provided the lowest pricing and most responsive service. Public Works has researched pricing this year, including new vendors marketing central Florida, and again found CSDI to have the lowest pricing available through an existing contract with the City of St. Petersburg. Public Works recommends utilizing this contract to install 242 lighted decorations on light poles on the above referenced roads for a total of$42,350.00. CSDI is maintaining the same pricing as last year. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. 7. Award of B16-01 Public Works Complex Stormwater Management System Project. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) The City of Ocoee solicited bids from qualified contractors to furnish labor, supervision,materials,equipment, supplies and incidentals to construct the Public Works Complex Stormwater Management System Project. The project includes the construction of a stormwater management and collection system within the Public Works Complex. The scope of work consists of excavating a dual pond storage system for stormwater management, new drainage collection system and parking lot additions and drives for vehicle movements. This project provides stormwater upgrades in the Starke Lake drainage basin through improvements at the City's Public Works facility. The improvements enhance the City's ability to meet National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements, along with providing compensating storage and treatment for the City Hall complex in accordance with St. John's River Water Management District water quality standards. This project is located in the Wekiva River Basin area. The bid was publicly advertised on September 13,2015, and opened on October 13,2015. There was a total of four(4)bids received ranging from $234,925.00 to $307,155.00. The Public Works and Finance Departments reviewed the bids received and all were considered responsive. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Villages Construction, Inc., for$234,925.00 as the most responsive and responsible bidder. All bids are available in the Finance Department for review. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. 3IPage Regular City Commission November 3, 2015 G. PUBLIC HEARINGS -None H. REGULAR AGENDA - None I. STAFF ACTION ITEMS 7:53 PM J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS 7:53 PM Commissioner Wilsen asked Police Chief Brown about interference from Founder's Day events. She has residents that feel that they are being held captive in their homes for two days; the addition of the new signs may have added confusion and concerns. Police Chief Brown said that anyone on the east side of Bluford can contact him personally or Lt. Wagner (via dispatch) and they will assist them individually with any mobility problems. He said they are using the same traffic control patterns that have been successful in the past; and they will make any concessions needed for affected businesses or residents during the event. Commissioner Johnson-none Commissioner Keller-announced the Run-off election November 24, 2015, polling locations are the same at the Jim Beech Center and the Lakeshore Center. Early voting November 16-20t at 119 W Kaley St, and requests for absentee ballots can be obtained from Orange County Supervisor of Election, 407 836-2070 or on www.ocfelections.com Commissioner Wilsen asked about a facilitator for the next Charter Review; she saw the email sent out showing the Winter Garden contract for $4000 several years ago, but she wanted us to contact Ms. Crotty to find out how much she would charge us. City Manager Frank said he obtained and emailed that information out; Marilyn Crotty advised the cost would be $5000. Commissioner Wilsen said she would like to find a way to get that into the budget because she feels it is desperately needed after the March election is completed. ADJOURNMENT 8:01 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee :'..":,,....`" _412,1,A 0,0 .4A-25- IP, Beth Eikenberry,City Clerk Jo n rogan, May II 4IPage