03-14-2017 Minutes Mayor Commissioners Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1 ItWIP Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3 o c o e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4 florida PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ACTING AS THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES March 14, 2017 I. CALL TO ORDER - 7:05 pm A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Present: Chairman McKey, Member Keethler, Member Sills and Member West. Also present were City Planner Rumer, Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier and Recording Clerk Sibbitt. Absent: Vice-Chairman Marcotte, Member Evans, Member Henderson, Member Richemond, and Member Wunderlich. Recording Clerk Sibbitt announced a quorum has not been met. Chairman McKey announced Robert Henderson is a new member on the Board who is absent tonight, but they look forward to meeting him at the next meeting. C. Elections Election of Chairperson Election of Vice-Chairperson (Elections are being continued due to a quorum not being met.) Wage Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 14,2017 II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting held January 10, 2017 and January 31, 2017. (The Consent Agenda will be continued due to a quorum not being met.) III. OLD BUSINESS (7:07 pm) A. City of Ocoee Proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) Based Amendments to the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan Pursuant to EAR Report Adopted on September 21, 2010. City Planner Rumer City Planner Rumer explained at the last meeting he mentioned he would bring the EAR back to review any comments the Board wishes to announce at the next City Commission meeting, which is scheduled for April 4, 2017. He indicated he has not received any comments from any board member with regards to this EAR, and advised a notice of public hearing advertisement for the EAR will be placed in the newspaper. Member Keethler inquired about comments being made and whether the comments need to be agreed by this Board in whole for said comment to go before the City Commission. City Planner Rumer explained their comments will be brought up as "Major Comments from the Planning & Zoning Commission." Member Keethler indicated he wants to comment on Issue #1, Community Character and Design, EAR Change #14, Policy 1.2.2: "The City shall maintain a balanced multimodal network through coordination and partnerships with both private and public entities. The City uses." He believes the second strike-through sentence is more explicit and proposes that it should be left in. He further reads the next policy, Policy 1.3.3: "The City shall ensure transportation improvements that enhance the function of planned activity areas that support multimodal strategies such as the City's Special Area Plans and Community Redevelopment Area(s)." He mentioned he could take or leave the underlined add-on. Member Keethler continued on to Objective 2.1: "The City shall annually monitor and maintain quantitative indicators from the Transportation Master Plan including adopted Levels of Service (LOS) and number of miles of non-automotive facilities on all arterial, collector, and local roads in the multimodal network. The City shall provide adequate _ . . _ volumes." He explains he does not see a reason why the second sentence is stricken- through; and further, he conveyed at the last meeting he pointed this out, because he 2 ' Page Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 14,2017 feels the City is not providing adequate capacity of arterial roadways to accommodate projected traffic volumes in which he used the Fullers Cross intersection as an example. Member Keethler further continued on with Policy 2.1.1: "The City shall monitor and annually evaluate • _ . - - _ _ _ - _ -- - _ . _ _ - •• - - _ . - -- roadways • .. - -- - •- - - - - - - - - • - - - - _ . - _ _ . _ - • . • . . . . . . .. . _ - _ _ _ _ ." He concluded that he does not believe leaving it as is does not detract from the generality of the statement. City Planner Rumer discussed the policies that Member Keethler brought up. He clarified Policy 1.2.2: "The City shall provide transportation improvements, which avoid disruption of existing land uses,"and explained this change is being amended because of a revision which now requires a project to be financially feasible. He further reminded the Board that these policies come into play when the Comprehensive Plan is amended. Discussion ensued regarding a balanced multimodal network, which includes asking if there is another means of mobility besides automobiles, which is the ultimate goal for a balanced multimodal network. Chairman McKey is currently Vice- Chairman of the MetroPlan Orlando Community Advisory Committee and expressed multimodal is on the rise, and he explained the public will walk a quarter mile, bike a half mile, but any greater distance is questionable. Discussion ensued regarding how a multimodal network throughout the city could work. Member Keethler advised that he still feels the sentence in Policy 1.2.2: "The City shall maintain a balanced multimodal network through coordination and partnerships with both private and public entities" is not sufficient, because a criterion is not listed of what the provisions are to meet it. He requests that more specificity is within the objective. He further commented that growth is outpacing the infrastructure and transportation, and he requests that language is added in the Comprehensive Plan that is specific to ensure the City will not let it continue to deteriorate. City Planner Rumer advised he will show the Board that this will not happen and where it is outlined within the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. He further advised the Board that he will discuss their comments and concerns to the City Commission. Member West inquired if Chevron has even come close to finding a buyer for the property. City Planner Rumer said they have a brokerage firm that is going to market it. Chairman McKey thanked City Planner Rumer and his staff for the work they have done. He indicated if members have any comments, to send them to City Planner Rumer before April 4th. He asked the public present if they would like to make any comments, and no one came forward. 31 Page Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 14,2017 IV. NEW BUSINESS - None. V. MISCELLANEOUS City Planner Rumer introduced Development Review Coordinator Margie Riviera. A. Project Status Report - City Planner Rumer updated the Board on upcoming projects and informed them the next P&Z meeting in April will include the Phase 2 of Innovation Montessori School. He explained a Sunbelt Rental wishes to move from Winter Garden to Ocoee right next to the City's Public Works facility, which is zoned 1-2, Heavy Industrial. He informed them the next phase of Crown Point and Arden Park will be coming soon and staff had a preconstruction meeting with Dr. Daniels. Chairman McKey inquired what is happening on the corner of Clarke Road and State Road 50. City Planner Rumer explained there is a contract for a Mattress One store, and the developer is anticipating building the storefronts at the same time. Chairman McKey inquired about the corner of State Road 50 and Maguire Road. City Planner Rumer explained the site contractor got off track, which put them behind. B. March Calendar VI. ADJOURNMENT — 7:43 pm ATTEST: APPROVED: 'ea& i 4 athy He-rd, Recording Clerk 'ob McKey, Chairman 4 ' Page