10-10-2017 Minutes Mayor Commissioners Rusty Johnson John Grogan, District 1 404* City Manager Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Richard Firstner, District 3 o c o e e Robert Frank Joel F. Keller, District 4 s florida PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 2017 I. CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 pm A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Chairman McKey announced Member West has resigned from the board after volunteering for 17 years. He expressed his appreciation for all the work he has done on this board throughout the years. Member Sills expressed he was a great asset to this board and he will be missed; further, he wished him well in his future endeavors. B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Present: Chairman McKey, Member Frommer, Member Richemond, Member Sills and Member Wunderlich. Also present were City Planner Rumer, Planner 1 Jones, Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier and Recording Clerk Heard. Absent: Vice-Chairman Keethler, Member Evans and Member Henderson Also Present: Candy Morgan, RPR, FPR, Landmark Reporting, Inc., (Agenda Item IV- B, Inspiration PUD) II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting held on August 8, 2017. (7:02 pm) Motion for Approval of the Consent Agenda: Moved by Member Sills, Seconded by Member Wunderlich; Motion carried unanimously. III. OLD BUSINESS Chairman McKey noticed that there is no old business to be discussed, but announced he would like the Board to think about a question he raised a few months back about the small scale/large scale threshold. He indicated presently it is 25,000 square feet, but he would like to see it brought down to 10,000 or 15,000. He asked the Board for a consensus vote to send this request to the City Commission for consideration. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 (7:04 pm) Motion: Move to recommend to the Ocoee City Commission to consider lowering the Small Scale/Large Scale threshold to 10,000 or 15,000 square feet: Moved by Chairman McKey, Seconded by Member Wunderlich; Motion carried unanimously. • IV. NEW BUSINESS (7:04 pm) A. Ocoee Business Park Preliminary Site Plan (PSP); Project No: LS-2017-009 - Public Hearing City Planner Rumer City Planner Rumer presented a brief overview of the Ocoee Business Park Preliminary Site Plan (PSP), which he mentioned a plan was previously approved back in the early 2000's, but this particular PSP is creating one parcel from several divided parcels. This subject property is located on the west side of Maguire Road, south of the Franklin Street/State Road 438 corridor and adjacent to State Road 429 Western Expressway to the east with railroad tracks to the north. He explained the parcel is undeveloped +/- 44.12 acres with a zoning of light industrial (I-1). This project is proposing a light industrial/flex office park consisting of three (3) buildings totaling a maximum of 646,366 square feet. Access to this site will be an existing road off of Maguire Road and an exit only on the north end of the parcel next to a lift station. He explained this site is located within the recently-adopted State Road 429 Overlay to which this particular parcel is within the Business Center Character Area of the overlay, which entails various requirements and standards. He emphasized to the Board that this item is in the preliminary stages to which no technical details are entailed at this time. The transportation study is not finalized as of yet, because some questions need to be answered; however, thus far it indicates that no offsite road improvements need to be made and new streets are not being proposed. City Planner Rumer continued explaining how this project satisfies the regulations with regards to the Business Center Character Area within the State Road 429 Overlay such as architectural upgrades, upgraded landscaping to soften the buildings and landscaping buffers along the roadways, loading docks will face interiorly and along State Road 429, but will not face Maguire Road; further, this is a major employment center coming into the city. Satisfaction of the overlay requirements is listed below. 3.0 Design Principals (1) Project meets standard by enhancing the Character Area's overall sense of place. (2) Building façade facing road does contribute to an attractive streetscape on Maguire. The project does not on SR 429 Expressway. (3) Project will use durable materials as per elevation. (4) Parking and loading docks do provide for a nice visual impact on Maguire Road. The project does not on the SR 429 Expressway. (5) Project will provide landscaping to soften the buildings. (6) No new streets are proposed. (7) Buildings will provide features to minimize the visual impact of the larger industrial buildings. 2 ' Page Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 3.1 Building Placement and Site Orientation (1) The building along Maguire Road has a front setback allowing for a sufficient landscape buffer. (2) Parking is provided on the sides of buildings. (3) The loading docks of Building 200 will face SR 429 Expressway and will be screened from view with landscape screening /berming. 3.2 Engaging the Public Realm (1) The fronts of the buildings provide appropriate structural elements and variation of wall plane. (2) The sides of the buildings are architecturally cohesive to the fronts of the building. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE (DRC) RECOMMENDATION: On September 5, 2017, the DRC met to determine if the Preliminary Site Plan was consistent with the City's regulations and policies. When the discussion was finished, the DRC voted to support the Preliminary Site Plan for Ocoee Business Park subject to the resolution of outstanding comments from the Transportation Impact Analysis. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above analysis and the subsequent DRC recommendation, Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission support the Preliminary Site Plan for the Ocoee Business Park subject to the resolution of outstanding staff comments from the Transportation Impact Analysis. Discussion: (7:15 pm) Chairman McKey mentioned this PSP plan looks great, but he is concerned about the traffic. He asked if the two northern entrances will be a right turn in/right turn out only. He further inquired if there- are any future plans to enlarge Maguire Road or enhancements to the intersection at Franklin Street and Maguire Road. City Planner Rumer answered the entrances will be full access right-in/right-out and left-in/left-out as there is no median on Maguire Road. He further indicated the Franklin Street intersection is a State-controlled intersection, and a corridor study will soon be underway with MetroPlan, which will define the future realignment of Silver Star Road. Member Wunderlich inquired what agency performed the traffic study to which City Planner Rumer indicated the City has a transportation consultant under contract. Member Wunderlich explained he has been living in District 1 for 29 years to which he has seen a lot of traffic projections, which has given him a rather uncertain confidence about these projections from time to time. He explained he does not doubt that this project by itself would trigger the need for any offsite road improvements, but he believes projects collectively would need road improvements. He inquired at what point will there be something done to accommodate an increase in traffic volume. City Planner Rumer explained there is a future project that will enhance the surrounding roads; however, the traffic studies do take into account future developments with an assumption of a percentage of traffic increase yearly. Wage Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 Member Richemond asked when the transportation study was done to which City Planner Rumer informed it was done very recently. Chairman McKey once again indicated he is very concerned about the traffic surrounding this area and feels it will be a problem right from the beginning. Sean Carpenter, Engineer with McCraney Property Company, 7101 Presidents Drive, Orlando, indicated he would like to defer the traffic questions to their traffic engineer who is not present; however, he said typically in this type of warehouse setting the distributions happen early in the morning or through the night. Chairman McKey inquired if they already have tenants. Mr. Carpenter indicated this is a speculative development, which has no current tenants. Chairman McKey inquired what the level of service (LOS) states within the traffic report. City Planner Rumer indicated the LOS is not failing, but he does not have that answer at this time. Chairman McKey inquired if the Board has any questions to which none were asked. He further indicated he appreciates them coming into the city and likes the looks of the building, but he does foresee a problem with the traffic. Mr. Carpenter proceeded to present a PowerPoint presentation about their past and current projects. He indicated they have currently developed 6.6 million square feet, and have been selected by NAIOP as the Industrial Developer of the Year three out of the last five years. Mark Smiley, Site Engineer with Smiley & Associates, Inc., 1928 Commerce Lane, Suite 2, Jupiter, indicated that the traffic study did come in today, which indicated it will not change the level of service of the roadways; and further, all of the intersections continue to meet the acceptable level of service per the Florida Statutes. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Member Richemond commented that he is very concerned about the traffic and feels he cannot validate any recent traffic studies, because of a traffic study that was completed at Fullers Cross Road and Ocoee Apopka Road, which currently takes him 15 to 20 minutes to maneuver through during peak hours. Chairman McKey indicated the State is working on the expansion of Silver Star Road, which will ultimately impact this area of Maguire Road. City Planner Rumer explained this project may not have a traffic improvement plan, but with any new development within this city there are road impact fees, which in this case may be as much as a million dollars. 4IPage Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 (7:42 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Ocoee Business Park Preliminary Site Plan (PSP); Project No: LS-2017-009, subiect to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Wunderlich, Seconded by Member Sills. Chairman McKey indicated he is unaware of how to express their traffic concerns to the City Commission. Member Sills informed him this is preliminary and the final will come back to this board at a later date. City Planner Rumer replied that the comments made during this meeting and the motion will be relayed in the staff report that will go before the City Commission. After discussion the motion passed unanimously 5-0. (7:44 pm) B. Inspiration Planned Unit Development (PUD) Annexation, Rezoning to PUD and PUD Land Use Plan (LUP); Project No(s): Project # AX-08-17-64 & RZ-17-08-05 - Public Hearing City Planner Rumer City Planner Rumer presented a brief overview of the Inspiration PUD/LUP, which consist of an annexation, rezoning, planned unit development and land use plan (PUD/LUP). This project totals 16.27 acres on two (2) parcels, which are heavily wooded and does not contain any wetlands. It is located south of the Florida Turnpike and west of Maguire Road. This project will be accessible by a future road extension constructed to connect to Tomyn Boulevard. Currently there is a daycare directly adjacent to the western side of this project. With regards to the annexation aspect of this proposed PUD/LUP, it is surrounded by the City of Ocoee and is eligible for a voluntary annexation. The surrounding zoning is currently C-3 (Commercial), and the Future Land Use Map with Orange County designates this parcel as commercial. The applicant is requesting a rezoning designation of Planned Unit Development (PUD) for this proposed mixed use office, retail and townhome development, which is consistent with the adopted future land use designation of Commercial. City Planner Rumer indicated the proposed project as a mixture of townhomes (90 units), retail and office with pedestrian connections, which functions as one project. Currently the city has three (3) similar type developments; and, if approved, this will be the fourth. He explained this development proposes 90 townhome units and four (4) retail buildings. One retail building within the northwestern vicinity is proposed to be a preschool with 13,681 square feet. Another retail/office building is a two-story building with 42,350 square feet, one building is 12,600 square feet of retail/office and one building is adjacent to the internal park area with 2,500 square feet of retail/office space. 5 ' Page Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 { City Planner Rumer further explained access to this proposed site will be the developer's responsibility, which they are proposing constructing a road that runs through the parcel to the south and connects to Tomyn Boulevard. Per DRC discussion, there will be an emergency exit to Maguire Road. This development is proposed to sit just south of the Florida Turnpike to which the distance setbacks have been met, which will include a landscape buffer and an eight (8) foot high wall. Stormwater retention will be located around the proposed townhomes. An amenity center is also included within the townhomes with additional parking, and further additional parking is being proposed within the northeastern section of the townhome development. City Planner Rumer indicated the developments within the surrounding community have maintained a Mediterranean architectural theme, but this applicant is proposing a modern architectural design, but residents within the surrounding community have always assumed the Mediterranean look would be the look of their community. He advised the Board this architectural design difference has been a topic of discussion before the project was submitted to the City, through a technical staff review meeting and through the Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. The DRC's recommendation included taking the architectural element out, because the LDC does not say there has to be any specific type of architecture; however, the LDC specifies the architecture must be cohesive. City Planner Rumer discussed the traffic study in that it is right at the threshold of requiring a traffic light with regards to the future road, because the townhomes and daycare would have similar peak AM/PM times whereas the commercial is spread throughout the day. He emphasized the traffic signal would only be warranted during the peak hours, which is something the City is looking into further. The developers will be providing a right-turn deceleration lane going into this development. The applicant has applied for school concurrency and must go before the Orange County School Board before coming back before the City Commission Board. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE (DRC) RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on October 4, 2017, and reviewed the Annexation, Initial Zoning to PUD "Planned Unit Development", and PUD Land Use Plan (LUP). Staff discussed the extension of water main and a possible upgrade to a public lift station. Staff also discussed the potential need for a signalized intersection and the proposed modern architecture style being proposed. The Development Review Committee made two (2) motions. The first motion was to recommend approval of the annexation and rezoning of the 10.6 acres (30-22-28-0000-00-004). The second motion was to recommend approval of the PUD Land Use Plan for both parcels subject to the traffic signal and architecture comments being satisfied before City Commission hearings. 6IPage Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has evaluated the proposed annexation and proposed PUD and has some concerns that have not been satisfied or have not had a final resolution. Staff feels comfortable moving the process to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further discussion of the items. Staff has issues/concerns with the following items: a) Modern Architecture which does not reflect the Mediterranean theme the City and residents have shown to desire. b) The proposed Pre-school and the effects of the peak p.m. trips to Tomyn Blvd. c) The location of fee simple townhomes adjacent to the Florida Turnpike without sound attenuation walls. Discussion: (8:01 pm) Member Sills inquired if all of the traffic will be utilizing Tomyn Boulevard and go eastbound to Maguire Road to which City Planner Rumer answered in the affirmative. Member Richemond mentioned he also noticed a STEM school is proposed, but City Planner Rumer clarified that the STEM school is the daycare. Member Wunderlich mentioned he likes the idea of a traffic signal installed at that future intersection, and he inquired if this is the very first step of this project to which City Planner Rumer answered in the affirmative. Member Frommer informed the Board that Westbrooke Elementary School is within this vicinity, which impacts the intersection at Maguire Road and Tomyn Boulevard in all directions at 8:30 am and 3:30 pm, and he is concerned that this intersection will become more problematic with this development. He inquired about the sound attenuation walls being installed to which City Planner Rumer explained the Turnpike Authority is responsible for installing the sound attenuation walls. Member Frommer further shared he likes the modern design along with the landscaping. (8:06 pm) Bradley Luczak, Esquire, White & Luczak, P.A., 655 W. Morse Boulevard, Winter Park, addressed the board and introduced the development professional team present. Ray Bradick, Applicant, PKA Orlando, Inc., 529 Versailles Drive, Suite 210, Maitland, addressed the Board and thanked City Staff for their assistance with this project. He expressed this project does not contain any waivers or variances from city code, because they wanted to produce a plan that not only met the objective of their client, but also met all of the criteria within the City's Land Development Code. He described the townhomes as upscale and cutting-edge with an anticipated sale price in excess of $350,000 a unit. The townhomes are intended for owner-occupancy with a live, work and enjoy life concept. He explained after the DRC meeting they decided to include a more mixed style of architecture rather than all of a modern design. He discussed the upscale high-end amenity center, which will be a full clubhouse and pool with services 7IPage Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 such as a towel service. He explained the proposed mixed-use side, which entails a STEM school and other professional type establishments. (8:17 pm) Bob Hahn, Hahn & Hahn Team, 1181 Via Salerno, Winter Park, addressed the Board explaining they engaged the services of Brian Weber to prepare an objective data- based study on emerging lifestyle trends within the city, which is entitled, "Lifestyle Survey of People who Work and Live within Five Miles of Inspiration Property", which was handed out to the board. He explained their interest in this study was to be able to align the emerging lifestyle trends with this proposed plan and to demonstrate that this plan was not a simple arbitrary decision the developer is imposing within the community. He further explained the methodology, demographics and survey results of the study. Mohammed Abdallah, PE, PTOE, Traffic & Mobility Consultants, 3101 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 265, Orlando, addressed the Board stating they prepared a traffic study for this proposed project, which concluded that at build-out traffic will be operating within the adopted levels of service of the city to which he further explained how this conclusion was founded. He discussed the access issue at the intersection explaining the study found that a signal is not warranted at this point. He stated the study did find that the traffic volume falls just short of requiring a right-turn deceleration lane heading westbound on Tomyn Boulevard; however, for safety and good operation, they will be providing a right-turn deceleration lane into this development. Member Sills responded that he cannot see adding 287 parking spaces and a school without a traffic issue arising at this intersection at Tomyn Boulevard. Mohammed Abdallah explained with the different mix of uses not everything happens all at once, and they all peak at different times. Chairman McKey asked what the level of service (LOS) is currently on Tomyn Boulevard. Mr. Abdallah indicated it is a "Level of Service C." Chairman McKey asked whether they project it to stay at a Level of Service C to which Mr. Abdallah indicated in the affirmative, Level of Service C; and further, he stated it currently is operating at a little bit less than half of its capacity. City Planner Rumer asked what the capacity is. Mr. Abdallah answered the capacity during the peak hours is 1,600, but the study projects the total a little more than 700 in the peak hours, but currently the capacity stands at a little bit under 600. Member Wunderlich inquired if each townhouse will have a one- or two-car garage to which it was answered a two-car garage with two (2) parking lot spaces outside of the garage. Member Richemond does not understand where this traffic study is coming from; and further, he questioned what if movements from all of the mixed uses did happen at the same time. Mr. Abdallah indicated the science behind the study is based on thousands Wage Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 { } of studies with similar land uses; and further, movements happening all at the same time could be plausible, but it is not something that is typically designed around. Bradley Luczak made some closing comments and emphasized this proposed project meets all of the criteria under the Land Development.Code (LDC). He discussed the three staff comments, which include the modern architecture to which he suggested he believes the residents do not desire a Mediterranean theme and 49 percent think otherwise; and subsequently, the developer has adjusted the architecture of this project to intermingle different architectural plans to accommodate the City's concerns. He further cited case law from 1925 regarding aesthetics and stated that aesthetics should not be a consideration for this board. He emphasized that this proposed project does not warrant a traffic signal, which addresses the second staff comment. The last staff comment is in regards to the sound attenuation wall along the Florida Turnpike to which he explained the proposed site plan now includes an eight-foot wall, a ten-foot landscape buffer and ponds with fountains to address the noise concerns. Chairman McKey added that he does not care for the modern design, but he believes Generation X loves this design to which he does not have a problem with, because it is far enough away from downtown. Chairman McKey opened the public hearing and asked if there is anyone present who wishes to speak on this proposed project. David Andre, 498 Highbrooke Boulevard, understands that they project these townhomes to start at around $350,000 and further asked whether the Board knows of any other townhomes within the city starting at about that range. He also inquired whether the townhomes could ever be changed into apartments; and he asked them to keep in mind the retail space at Park Place, which has never been built out. He also asked what the future may hold for the lot with the pine trees at Maguire Road and Tomyn Boulevard. City Planner Rumer answered the parcel at Maguire Road and Tomyn Boulevard is zoned as a C-3 Commercial zoning to which it could be any type of office, retail or restaurant. At the moment he did not have any comparable sales of townhomes within the city to be able to answer his question. Chairman McKey inquired if there is anything at this time being built on the Park Place commercial parcel. City Planner Rumer indicated there is an approved 18,000 plus square foot retail building, which is being considered. Ray Veloso, Developer, Diplomat Development Group, LLC, 6965 Piazza Grande, Suite 406, Orlando, indicated he is able to answer some questions. He explained the townhomes cannot be turned into apartments, which he mentioned is a valid concern. He explained the development of the commercial parcel. He mentioned the backyards of the townhomes will be 450 square feet. 9IPage Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 Marcus Tillman, Emmitt Combs & Company Realty, 5401 S. Kirkman Road, Suite 310, asked what builder will be used to build the proposed townhomes. Mr. Veloso indicated the builder will be Yellow Rock Construction. The public hearing was closed. (8:52 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Inspiration Planned Unit Development (PUD) Annexation; Project No(s): AX-08-17-64, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Sills, Seconded by Member Richemond; motion passed unanimously 5-0. (8:53 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning ' Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Inspiration Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rezoning to PUD; Project No(s): RZ-17-08-05, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Wunderlich, Seconded by Member Frommer; motion passed unanimously 5-0. (8:54 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Inspiration Planned Unit Development (PUD) Land Use Plan (LUP), subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Wunderlich, Seconded by Member Sills; motion passed unanimously 5-0. City Planner Rumer introduced City Planner 1 DeWayne Jones who will be presenting the next two (2) public hearings. Planner Jones has been a planner with the City for approximately six (6) years and works primarily with residential zoning. He also introduced City Urban Designer Peter Kisicki who is the City's new urban design planner. { (9:05 pm-Agenda Item taken out of order) C. GMMG, LLC, Annexation & Rezoning for 1737 North Lakewood Avenue; Project No(s): AX-08-17-63 & RZ-17-08-04 - Public Hearing Planner 1 Jones Planner Jones presented an overview of the GMMG, LLC property, which is located at 1737 North Lakewood Avenue, 750 feet south of Fullers Cross Road and North Lakewood Avenue intersection. The parcel is +1- 0.64 acres and contains one (1) existing single-family residence. The property surrounding this parcel is located in Unincorporated Orange County; however, the property across the street has already been annexed into the city and is the upcoming location of Innovation Montessori 10IPage 4 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 School, which allows this parcel to be eligible for annexation into the city. The property owners wish to annex to obtain city water service, which will be available at the front of the property. He added that the property owners are anticipating a three-parcel lot split in the future, which will allow for three (3) additional homes and the existing home on this parcel will be demolished. The current zoning is "Orange County/A-1," with a requested zoning of "R-1" (Single Family Dwelling) upon annexation, (City of Ocoee/"R- 1"). The future land use is currently low density residential, which complies with an "R-1" zoning. With an annexation approval, the City will receive the full benefits of water, trash, fire and police assistance. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE (DRC) RECOMMENDATION: On September 5, 2017, the DRC met to determine if the proposed annexation was consistent with the City's regulations and policies. When the discussion was finished, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the annexation for GMMG, LLC property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above analysis and the subsequent DRC recommendation, Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend approval of the Annexation of the +/- 0.64 acres parcel of land known as GMMG, LLC parcel. Chairman McKey opened the public hearing and asked if there is anyone present who wishes to speak on this proposed project. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. (9:09 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the GMMG, LLC, Annexation for 1737 North Lakewood Avenue; Project No(s): AX-08-17-63, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Frommer, Seconded by Member Richemond; motion passed unanimously 5-0. (9:09 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the GMMG, LLC, Rezoning for 1737 North Lakewood Avenue; Project No(s): RZ-17-08-04, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Frommer, Seconded by Member Wunderlich; motion passed unanimously 5-0. 11lPage } Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 (8:56 pm-Agenda Item taken out of order) D. Sullins Annexation and Rezoning for 1928 Adair Street; Project No(s): AX-08-17-62 & RZ-17-08-03 - Public Hearing Planner 1 Jones Planner Jonespresented an overview of the proposed Sullins annexation and p p rezoning, which is located on 1928 Adair Street, across the street from Marlene Drive on the northwest side. This parcel is +/- 0.50 acres with one (1) existing single-family home. He stated some of the surrounding properties are within Unincorporated Orange County; however, the parcel right next to it is within the city, which allows this parcel to be eligible for annexation into the city. The property owners wish to annex to obtain city water service, which will be available at the front of the property. The current zoning is "Orange County/A-1," with a requested zoning of "R-1" (Single Family Dwelling) upon annexation, (City of Ocoee/"R-1"). The future land use is currently low density residential, which complies with an "R-1" zoning. With an annexation approval, the City will receive the full benefits of water, trash, fire and police assistance. Development Review Committee (DRC) Recommendation: On September 5, 2017, the DRC met to determine if the proposed annexation was consistent with the City's regulations and policies. When the discussion was finished, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the annexation for Audrey Sullins property. Staff Recommendation: Based on the above analysis and the subsequent DRC recommendation, Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend approval of the Annexation of the +/- 0.50 acres parcel of land known as Audrey Sullins parcel. Discussion: (8:59 pm) Chairman McKey inquired if the property owners need to do anything in order to bring the property into conformance with the City. Planner Jones indicated the property already meets the applicable standards. Chairman McKey opened the public hearing and asked if there is anyone present who wishes to speak on this proposed project. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. (9:02 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Sullins Annexation for 1928 Adair Street; Project No(s): AX-08-17-62, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Sills, Seconded by Member Richemond; motion passed unanimously 5-0. 12 ' Page e$$ Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 (9:03 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Sullins Rezoning for 1928 Adair Street; Project No(s): RZ-17-08-03, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Wunderlich, Seconded by Member Richemond; motion passed unanimously 5-0. (9:10 pm) E. Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensaries — Recommendation for Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 180, Section 5-8 of the City Code Related to Prohibition of Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensing Facilities - Public Hearing City Planner Rumer City Planner Rumer presented the proposed amendment to the Land Development Code amending Chapter 180, Section 5-8 of the City Code related to prohibition of medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities. In November of 2016, the voters of the State of Florida adopted an amendment to the State Constitution to allow broadened use of cannabis to treat medical conditions. In response to this constitutional amendment, on January 3, 2017, the City adopted an ordinance implementing a temporary moratorium until December 31, 2017. In June of 2017, the Florida Legislature adopted Senate Bill 8-A in a Special Session, which established a regulatory process for medical cannabis dispensaries. Senate Bill 8-A provides local governments two (2) options for regulating uses. The City's two (2) alternatives are as follows: 1. The City may ban medical marijuana treatment dispensaries outright by ordinance. 2. The City may allow medical marijuana treatment dispensaries; however, location criteria must follow those for pharmacies as defined by Chapter 465 F.S. and no limit may be placed on the number of dispensaries allowed within the City. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on Senate Bill 8-A's limitations on regulating medical cannabis dispensaries, staff recommends adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 180, Section 5-8 of the City Code, prohibiting medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities. Discussion: Chairman McKey expressed, if he recalls correctly, the ballot was not written with such language and is contrary to what the voters voted for, but he believes this is not a dead issue at this point. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier informed the Board that this is a Schedule I drug with federal regulations, which is why it is regulated differently with regards to cash transactions, security and more. 13 ' Page Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 Member Frommer asked if this prohibited use will affect the dispensing of Marinol. Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier indicated the language with this proposed ordinance is prohibiting the use of medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities; however, this proposed ordinance does not relate to regulations which are amended through the State and passed down regarding what conventional drug stores can or cannot dispense. Further discussion ensued. Member Wunderlich asked if this proposed ordinance has any effect on existing pharmacies, hospitals or medical office with what they prescribe to which Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier answered in the negative. Chairman McKey opened the public hearing and asked if there is anyone present who wishes to speak on this proposed amendment. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. (9:21 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 180, Section 5-8 of the City Code Related to Prohibition of Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensary Facilities within the City of Ocoee, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Frommer, Seconded by Member Sills; motion passed unanimously 5-0. (9:21 pm) F. Amendments to the Land Development Code (LDC) Relating to Article II Definitions, Article V, Section 5-8 Prohibited Uses and Table 5-1 Permitted Use Regulations in Overlay Districts - Public Hearing City Planner Rumer City Planner Rumer presented a brief overview of this proposed amendment to the Land Development Code (LDC). Currently the City has a number of redevelopment and new development proposals in the CRA District and its three (3) Target Areas as well as increased attention on the SR 429 Overlay Area. He explained the City would like to regulate the drive-thru at fast food restaurants, self-storage facilities, automobile service stations and discount dollar stores within the overlay areas. He stated he has come up with a proposal to address some of the items; however, the discount dollar stores are more complicated to identify. He explained they are proposing to change the definition of "Mini-warehouse" within the LDC to "Self-Storage Facility"; and further, update the self-storage accessory use within the special overlay districts. He explained they are proposing to amend drive-in restaurants and not permit restaurants such as a Sonic; and further, new drive-thru restaurants may not have access or be located directly onto an arterial or collector roadway and no drive-thru lanes shall be visible from any public 141 Page Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 right-of-way. As far as the automobile service stations, they are proposing such facilities be limited to three (3) bays unless a waiver is granted by the City Commission, and no bays shall be visible from any public right-of-way. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the proposed amendments to the Land Development Code to provide for regulations of certain uses in overlays. Chairman McKey opened the public hearing and asked if there is anyone present who wishes to speak on this proposed amendment. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. (9:37 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of Amendments to the Land Development Code (LDC) Relating to Article II Definitions, Article V, Section 5-8 Prohibited Uses and Table 5-1 Permitted Use Regulations in Overlay Districts, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Richemond, Seconded by Member Sills; motion passed unanimously 5-0. V. MISCELLANEOUS (9:40 pm) A. Project Status Report - City Planner Rumer updated the Board on the current developments within the city. He mentioned there is a lot of construction currently with the hospital, two (2) projects are underway. Chairman McKey asked what is happening with the Colony site. City Planner Rumer indicated there is an approved small site scale plan, and the two property owners have developed a partnership. It is a reputable developer who is willing to clean the entire site, but the liens and interest on the liens is currently being worked on daily. If a settlement agreement comes forth, it will be going to the CRA Board and not this board, and he is hoping a settlement will be forthcoming before the end of this year. He announced there was a preconstruction meeting today for the Wendy's at Fountains West, and the preconstruction meeting for Taco Bell is next week, which will be adjacent to the Wendy's. He updated the Board that 4 Locos Tacos has been delayed due to comments from Florida DOT saying their driveway is unsafe; however, they are ready to move forward to which they may modify their plan to install the driveway off of Cumberland Avenue. Discussion ensued regarding the reconstruction of Silver Star Road with the development of the Downtown Master Plan. He stated the microbrewery is underway. is Page Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting October 10,2017 1 I B. October Calendar VI. ADJOURNMENT - 9:45 pm ATTEST: APPROVED: f;- • e� 'AL t y H- =re, `ecording Clerk Rob Mc ey, Chairman 1 1 I I 16 ' Page pkp