04-05-2005 Proclamation - National Crime Victims' Rights Week Jj}rorlnmntion W~€~€~S;, ~resident Ronald W. Regan first declared "National Crime Victims' Rights" Week in 1981 to focus our Nation's attention on the plight of crime victims. and W~€3a€D, 'lEhis Silver Anniversary of National Crime Victims' Rights Week provides an opportunity to reflect on the devastating impact of crime and terrorism on victims and our entire Nation, and to strengthen our resolve to ensure that victims' needs are identified and addressed; and W~€l\cre~s;. S;ince 1981, the crime victim assistance field has expanded from a handful of assistance programs to include over 10,000 community- and justice system-based programs, and in 2005, there are more than 32,000 federal and state statutes that define and protect victims' rights, and. W~€~creu. ~merica as a Nation, and we as individuals and communities, recognize that justice isn't serve until all crime victims are cared for. Crime and violence in America affects us all, and victims' rights are a critical component of ''justice for all," and W~€l\€D. ~espite impressive accomplishments over the past 25 years in crime victims' rights and services. there remains many challenges to ensure that all crime victims and survivors are treated with dignity and respect, recognized as key participants within our systems of justice, and afforded service that provides help and hope to them and w~cre~creD. ~merica as a Nation recognizes that we serve justice by serving victims of crime and that by helping victims and survivors of crime, we help make our homes. neighborhoods, communities, and Nation be stronger, safer, and more secure, and w~crel\creu. ~mericans have joined together annually for the past 25 years to recognize the needs and rights of crime victims and survivors during National Crime Victims' Rights Week each April; ..Bom, (!Jberelore. I. S. Scott Vandergrift. Mayor of the City ofOcoee, do hereby declare April 10-16 2005 as NATIONAL CRIME VICTIMS' RIGHTS WEEK And honors crime victims and those who serve them during this week and throughout the)lll". JIiIe JI/ fur/ber }JJrorloimeb, ~at as individuals, communities and a Nation. we value justice in America that includes and involves crime victims. and seek to serve justice by servicing victims of crime; ,- Hereunto IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Ocoee, Florida to be affixed this 5th day of April 2005. ~' . 1/ ~ ;;....... . "''1;"' -~~."'.' -~.~-'" .,t.... -: : -. ~-,..., - -"i' " ~, S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor