HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout12-06-2022 AgendaItem 01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held November 15, 2022Item 02 Approval of the Second Amendment to Agreement for Purchase and Sale between Wire Development LLC and the City of Ocoee for the Purchase of City-Owned Property at Crown PointItem 03 Approval of a Performance Surety Escrow Agreement and Letter Related to Infrastructure Completion Requirements with Ocoee Village Developers ConsortiumItem 04 Approval to Extend RFQ #1707 Continuing Contract for Transportation Planning Consulting Services for One (1) YearItem 05 Approval of Motorcycle Lease Agreement with Teddy Morse’s Daytona Harley-DavidsonItem 06 Approval to Purchase Motorola RadiosItem 07 Approval to Accept the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Grant AgreementItem 08 Approval of Disaster Debris Removal Services with CrowderGulf LLC Cost Proposal RFP #18-002Item 09 Approval of Contracted Sidewalk Repairs Utilizing Existing City of Kissimmee Contract with APEC LLCItem 10 Approval of Florida Central Railroad License Agreement for Railroad RemovalItem 11 Approval to Demolish Structures at 15 South Kissimmee Avenue and 214 West McKey StreetItem 12 First Reading of Ordinance for Howard Property, 8708 A. D. Mims Road – Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s). AX-09-22-27 & RZ-22-09-44Item 13 First Reading of Ordinance for a Substantial Amendment to the Ocoee Town Shops PUD for a Wawa Gas Station Use; Project No. RZ-22-07-42Item 14 First Reading of Ordinance for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Adoption of the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements and Update of the Capital Improvement Element (CPA-2022-004)Item 15 Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Montierre Development, PLLC, and City of Ocoee Regarding a Regional Sports & Entertainment Complex and Mixed Use Development Deal which would Consist of a Number of Baseball FieldsItem 16 Discussion and Direction Regarding an Invoice for the Ocoee Remembrance Events and Unity FestivalItem 17 Discussion and Direction Regarding a Resolution to Amend the Bylaws of the Human Relations Diversity Board (HRDB)