HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout02-03-2004 AgendaII(A) Presentation to City of “Golden 30” AwardII(B) Police Volunteer of the Year AwardV(B) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Final Plat of Kensington Manor SubdivisionV(C) Authorize Payment to Sprint for the Replacement of UPS Unit for Fleet Section Telephone System and Approve Transfer of FundsV(D) Reappointment to Citizen Advisory Council Ocoee Police DepartmentV(E) Ocoee v Ryan (Maguire Road Improvements Project) Rejection of Offer of Judgment.VI(A&B) Public Hearing: A.) Second Reading of Ordinance No 2004-01 Poer Property, Case No AX-03-12-14 B). 11th Amendment to the Joint Planning Area Agreement-Poer Property & Richardson Property, Case No. JPA-03-008VII(A) Approval of NPDES Annual Report and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Certification StatementVII(B) Authorization Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Contract With Master Site Development, Inc. in the Amount of $2,400,585.00 for the Ocoee Crown Point PUD–Phase I Infrastructure Project