HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout02-18-2003 AgendaIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of February 4, 2003III (B) Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Non-Exclusive Temporary Easment Agreement with Falcon Pointe Homeowners Association and Payment for EasementIII (C) Approval and Authorization to Purchase a Lodal "EVO" Cab and Chassis Recycling Collection Truck from Container Systems and Equipment, Inc. in the Amount of $147,754.00III (D) Approval and Authorization to Purchase a Life Fitness LC8500 Upright Licecycle Exercise Equipment from Precision Fitness Equipment as Sole Source Provider for the Amount of $1,780.00III (E) Approval and Authorization for Staff to Meet with West Oaks Academy and Draft an Agreement Similar to the Thornebrooke Elemtary School Agreement to Partner with Them for the Use of their Athletic FieldsIII (F) Approval and Authorization for the Utilities Department to Proceed with the Budgeted Purchase of a Portable Generator and a Stationary Generator at Lift Station No. 16III (G) Policy for Non-Profit Organizations Wishing to Request a Waiver of Development Review Application FeesIII (H) West Oaks United Methodist Church - Clarke Road, Project LS-99-017VI (A1) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2003-07, Amending Section 143 of the Code Regarding Solid WasteVI (A2) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2003-08, Amending Section 150 of the Code regarding Stormwater ManagementVI (B) First Reading of Ordinance No. 2003-09, MultiFamily Development Standards, Amendment to the Land Development CodeVI (C) Windsor Landing-Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Case No. LS-99-003VII (A) First Reading of Ordinance No. 2003-10, Ocoee Church of the Nazarene, PUD Zoning/PUD Land Use PlanVII (B) Refinance of 1993 Utility Bond Issue and Proposed Projects to be Constructed with the Available FundsVII (C) Resolution No. 2003-05, Reversing Resolution No. 91-03 Requiriing Adopting and Approving Job Descriptions for City Positions