HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout03-16-2004 AgendaII(A) Proclamation – American Red Cross MonthII(B) Proclamation – Building Safety Week – April 4-10, 2004V(A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of the City Commission Regular Meeting of March 2, 2004, and Special Session of March 4, 2004V(B)A pproval and Authorization to Award Bid #B04-03 to Acme Dynamics in the Amount of $18,800.00 Plus Additional Accessories Totaling $2,187.00 for a Total of $20,987.00V(C) Approval and Authorization to Award Bid #B04-04 to Tri-Tech Laboratories in the Estimated Amount of $13,469.00, Depending on the Amount of Samples NeededV(D) Approval and Authorization to Award RFQ 0402 Services to Prepare a Water/Wastewater Vulnerability Study for Public Works/Utilities Division and to Authorize Staff to Begin Contract Negotiations with Hartman & AssociatesV(E) Approval and Authorization for Replacement of K-9 Hanna, Transfer Monies From Small Equipment to Capitol Not to Exceed $6,500 and Waive the Bid/Quote ProcessV(F) Approval and Authorization to Rescind Resolution No. 2003-22-Cable Television Franchise Agreement with AdelphiaV(G) Approval of Change Order No. 3 to Wharton-Smith for the New Fire Station in the Amount of $21,811.73 to Come from ContingencyVI(B) Public Hearing: Villas of Woodsmere - Conceptual Plan - Project No. CP-01-01-04VII(A1) Maguire Road Pumping Station, Project #AR-04-02-15VII(A2) Ingram Estates, Project #AR-03-12-13VII(B) ForestBrooke - Final Subdivision Plan, Phase 3 - Project #LS03-003VII(C) Approval and Authorization of Resurfacing Bluford Avenue, from South of Silver Star Road (Kash & Karry Driveway) to McKey Street in the Amount of $18,800.00 and Authorization for Ranger Construction Industries to Perform the WorkVII(E) Discussion Re: Lake Olympia Homeowners Association request to Install a Fountain at Lake Olympia PondVII(F) Selection of Acting City ManagerVII(G) Discussion Re: Addition of a Clock Tower and Monument Sign with a Water Fall and Pond to the New Fire StationVII(I) Reappointment of Debra Booth to Education CommissionVII(J) Appointment to Code Enforcement Board to Fill Seat of Kent Skiles Whose Term Expires August 2005VII(K) Appointment of Mayor pro tem and Designation of City Commission Board/Committee Responsibilities