HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout04-06-2004 AgendaIV(A) Discussion of Visioning Process and Scheduling of FacilitatorV(A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of the Canvassing Board of March 10, 2004, City Commission Regular Meeting of March 16, 2004, and Special Session of March 22, 2004V(B) Approval and Authorization of $4,950.00 for Purchase of Awning from Elite Awning, Inc. for City Hall Main Entrance (West Side) and Police Department Main Entrance (South Side)V(C) Approval and Authorization of $44,995.00 from the Stormwater R & R Funds ($15,750) and the Stormwater Contingency Funds ($29,245) for Final Design and Permitting of the Center Street Stormwater Pond; and Authorize PEC to ProceedV(D) Approval and Authorization for Funding of Temporary Positions, Overtime, and Records Retention in the Building Division from Capital Reserve FundsV(E) Approval and Authorization of Change Order No. 4 for New Fire Station Building to Wharton-Smith for the Sum of $15,089.22 from Contingency FundsV(F) Approval and Authorization of the Vulnerability Assessment Services to Hartman & Associates, Inc.; and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Consulting Agreement for the Vulnerability Assessment ServicesV(G) Approval and Authorization of Expenditure of Funds in the Amount of $104,225.78 to Pay for the Installation of Permanent Underground Electrical Service for the New High School and the Wastewater Lift StationV(H) Approval and Authorization for Transfer of Funds from Water Operating-Reserve for Contingency to Water Operating-Capital Improvements to Pay for the Water Main Repair and Associated Road Repair of Maguire RoadV(I) Approval and Authorization to Waive the Bidding Process for the Transfer of $26,021 from Wastewater R & R to the Wastewater Operating – Capital Improvements Account for the Emergency Repairs to Lift Station #14VI(A1) Second Reading of Ordinance; Maguire Road Pumping Station, Project #AR-04-02-15VI(A2) Second Reading of Ordinance; Ingram Estates, Project #AR-03-12-13VI(A3) Second Reading of Ordinance; Ordinance No. 2004-08 – Revision to City Code Chapter 173, Water and Sewer Adjustments to Utility Bills for Swimming Pools and Water LeaksVI(B) Privatization of Residential Solid Waste Collection and Disposal (Option A) and Award of the Contract to a Private HaulerVI(C) Resolution 2004-05, Modifying Resolution 92-04, Increasing the Solid Waste Rates from $16.00 to $18.25VII(A) Approval and Authorization of Replacement of Two Garbage Trucks and Authorization and Approval to Complete Purchase of Recycling Truck (currently on hold) from the Replacement and Repair FundsVII(B) Ocoee Commons PUD – Ashton Park – Project #AP-02-02-01 and #AP-002-02-01AVII(C) Forest Lake Estates, Project #AR-2000-05-01VII(D) Ocoee Crown Point PUD Permitting FundingVII(E) Discussion Re: Update on McKey Street ProjectVII(F) Discussion Re: Setting a Workshop Date for Impact FeesVII(G) Recommendation for Removal of Kori Mortenson from Education CommissionVII(H) Appointment to Board of Adjustment to Fill Seat of Michael Savino Whose Term Expires May 2005